Pharmacy Premises Committee, Forms and Standards

The Pharmacy Premises Committee (PPC) has the following functions.

  • to administer Schedule 7 of the Health Practitioners Act 2004
  • to monitor and investigate compliance with Schedule 7
  • to prosecute offences against Schedule 7
  • to advise the Minister on matters relating to the administration and enforcement of Schedule 7
  • other functions imposed by this or another Act.


Committee members are appointed by the Minister for Health.

The Pharmacy Premises Committee has four members: three pharmacists to assist the committee in performing its functions and one non-pharmacist to represent the interests of patients and consumers.

Notification Forms

The Pharmacy Premises Committee must be notified when a pharmacy business commences, relocates, alters or changes ownership.  The Pharmacy Premises Committee must also be notified of a change in the pharmacist in charge or pharmacy superintendent. Pharmacy Departments must also notify the Pharmacy Premises Committee if a new pharmacy commences or a pharmacy relocates or alters.

All notifications to the Pharmacy Premises Committee must be on the following forms:

Pharmacist vaccination requirements

On 29 May 2020 the NT Chief Health Officer approved two new protocols for pharmacist vaccinations.

Please pharmacist vaccination webpage for protocols and information sheets.

PS5 Premises and Equipment Standard for Pharmacy Based Immunisation Programs is mandatory for pharmacy premises.

Pharmacy owners must have the immunisation room inspected prior to commencing a new immunisation service. There is no need to have your immunisation room reinspected if it has been previously approved.

Pharmacy Standards

The committee has reviewed and endorsed the following standards, guidelines and codes of practice.

Pharmacy standards

PS1 Pharmacy Ownership Guideline DOCX (32.9 KB)
PS2 Premises Standards for Pharmacy Business DOCX (46.7 KB)
PS3 Display of Names for Pharmacy Business DOCX (24.3 KB)
PS4 Professional Services Premises Standard DOCX (34.7 KB)
PS5 Premises and Equipment Standard for Pharmacy Based Immunisation Programs DOCX (31.2 KB)
PS6 Mandatory Equipment for Pharmacy Businesses DOCX (29.6 KB)
PS7 Mandatory References for Northern Territory Pharmacy Premises DOCX (21.8 KB)
PS8 Obligations of the Pharmacist-in-charge DOCX (29.0 KB)
PS9 Fit and Proper Person Standard DOCX (26.8 KB)
PS10 Premises Standard for Pharmacy Departments  DOCX (197.6 KB)
PS11 Display of Names for Pharmacy Departments  DOCX (64.2 KB)
PS12 Standard for Compounding Laboratories in Pharmacies and Professional Services Premises DOCX (39.6 KB)
PS13 Premises Standard for Pharmacy Depots DOCX (25.7 KB)

Guidelines for Pharmacy Proprietors

PG1 – Pharmacy Premises Committee - NT Guidance – Trusts DOCX (27.5 KB)
PG2 – Pharmacy Premises Committee - NT Guidance – Partnerships DOCX (30.1 KB)
PG3 – Pharmacy Premises Committee - NT Guidance – Sale of Business DOCX (31.6 KB)
PG4 – Pharmacy Premises Committee - NT Guidance – Loan and security agreements DOCX (23.6 KB)
PG5 – Pharmacy Premises Committee - NT Guidance - Leases DOCX (22.6 KB)
PG6 – Pharmacy Premises Committee - NT Guidance – Franchising DOCX (26.1 KB)
PG7 – Pharmacy Premises Committee - NT Guidance – Service agreements DOCX (23.7 KB)
PG8 – Pharmacy Premises Committee - NT Guidance – Intellectual property licence agreements DOCX (25.4 KB)
The NT Pharmacy Premises Committee gratefully acknowledge the Victorian Pharmacy Authority in the production of these Guidelines
Guidelines on dose administration and staged supply of dispensed medicine. Go to the Pharmacy Board of Australia website.
Code of practice

Australian code of good wholesaling practice for medicines in schedules 2, 3, 4 and 8. Go to the Australian Government's Therapeutic Good Administration website.


For information about making a complaint go to health compliments, complaints and feedback.

Pharmacy Premises Committee Registrar
Phone: 08 8922 7341

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