Pharmacist vaccinations

For COVID-19 vaccination administration protocols, go to the COVID-19 Vaccine Protocols page.

Pharmacists have been vaccinating in the NT since 2015.

On 8 December 2023 the NT Chief Health Officer approved a new Scheduled Substance Treatment Protocol (SSTP) for pharmacist vaccination which applies to all pharmacists in the NT.

Pharmacists are now enabled to administer a broader range of vaccines in the NT without a prescription:

  • For people aged 5 years and over
  • For a defined range of vaccines
  • Where they have undergone immunisation specific training
  • Where the immunisation is in accordance with public health programs (National Immunisation Program, NT Immunisation Schedules)

The full range of vaccines and indications is listed on the SSTP PDF (1.4 MB).

At this time, the SSTP does not enable travel vaccines or occupational vaccination where this does not align with the NIP and NT Schedules.

Using the NIP and NT Schedules

The National Immunisation Program (NIP) Schedule is a series of immunisations given at specific times throughout a persons life.

The National Immunisation Program Vaccinations in Pharmacy (NIPVIP) Program is a commonwealth initiative enabled through NT health and is effective from 1 January 2024. The NIPVIP enables participating pharmacists to receive vaccines at no cost and increases access for eligible (under the NIP) people to access FREE NIP vaccines in a community pharmacy with no out of pockets costs.

This range of conditions and people are outlined on the National Immunisation Program Schedule

Pharmacists may vaccinate people in line with the NIP schedule, regardless if they are doing so under NIP program rules and funding models or if the patient is choosing to pay privately.

The NT Health Immunisation Schedules outline the priority vaccinations to meet the unique needs of the NT. This is based on the NIP schedule with minor amendments and increased eligibility for some Indigenous patients.

Pharmacists may vaccinate people in line with the NT Schedule or National Immunisation Program schedule however payment under the NIPVIP is based on the NP vaccines in a pharmacy setting for individuals aged 5 years and over.

Pharmacists vaccinating at pharmacy premises

Pharmacy premises must meet the Pharmacy Premises Standard PS5

Pharmacists vaccinating at other locations

The SSTP outlines the minimum requirements of a location where pharmacists will be administering medicines. This includes critical concepts such as anaphylaxis management, cleanliness, waste disposal and cold chain management.

Intern Pharmacists

Pharmacists with provisional registration (intern pharmacists) are able to administer vaccines provided they adhere to the requirements as outlined in the SSTP and are under the supervision of a pharmacist who is qualified to vaccinate.

Further Information

If you are a pharmacy owner, manager of a pharmacy or pharmacist and you are interested in providing an immunisation service please contact:

The Registrar, Pharmacy Premises Committee


Medicines and Poisons

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