Northern Territory National Disability Insurance Scheme Restrictive Practices Authorisation

Northern Territory National Disability Insurance Scheme Restrictive Practices Authorisation

From 1 July 2019, all National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) registered providers of disability supports in the Northern Territory (NT) must adhere to the NT National Disability Insurance Scheme (Authorisations) Act 2019 (the Act).

The Act works together with NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework and the NDIS Restrictive Practice and Behaviour Support Rules 2018 to ensure safeguards are in place for NDIS participants who may be vulnerable to the use of restrictive practices.

NDIS registered service providers who plan to implement a restrictive practice as part of an NDIS participant’s Behaviour Support Plan must submit a request for authorisation of a restrictive practice to the NT Senior Practitioner.

Authorisation of a restrictive practice is undertaken as part of a three stage process:

  • The NDIS registered service provider requests for authorisation of a restrictive practice.
  • The NT Senior Practitioner assessment of the authorisation request.
  • Outcome of the NT Senior Practitioner decision.

The NT Restrictive Practice Authorisation Framework. PDF (669.8 KB) Guidelines for NDIS Service Providers provides details on the NT Restrictive Practice Authorisation process and related NDIS processes.

Request for authorisation of a restrictive practice

NDIS registered providers must complete an application for authorisation. To apply, all authorisation requests are to be submitted though the Restrictive Practice Authorisation System website.

All applications must include the following information:

  • Particulars of the restrictive practice proposed to be applied to the participant.
  • A copy of the NDIS Behaviour Support Plan (interim or comprehensive) that specifies the proposed restrictive practice.
  • Consent of the NDIS participant to disclose information required for the application (RPA - 2A Disclosure Agreement by the NDIS Participant) - please note these documents must be attached to the online Apply for Authorisation link above.
  • Evidence of consultation with the participant, their family, carers, guardian or other relevant person about the use of restricted practices as a component of their BSP (RPA - 2B Evidence of Consultation) - please note these documents must be attached to the online Apply for Authorisation link above.
  • Particulars of the NDIS service providers who will apply the restrictive practice to the participant.
  • A summary of every restrictive practices applied (both authorised and unauthorised) from the date of application and the preceding 12 months.
  • Any other information the NDIS service provider considers relevant to the application, such as reportable incidents relevant to the application.

Applications for authorisation that do not meet the above mandatory information requirements; and which contain prohibited restrictive practices (the Act, Part3, S17) will not be accepted.

The NT Senior Practitioner assessment of the authorisation request

Assessment is undertaken by the NT Senior Practitioner in accordance with:

Outcome of the NT Senior Practitioner decision

The NT Senior Practitioner will provide an Assessment Outcome for action by the NDIS Service Provider, outcomes will be one of the following:

  • Authorisation is provided. The NDIS provider can progress to the next stage.
  • A request for further information and or recommendation for an alternative support.
  • Authorisation not provided.

Unauthorised use of restrictive practices

Unauthorised use of restrictive practices in relation to an NDIS participant is a reportable incident as per the ‘NDIS (Incident Management and Reportable Incidents) Rules 2018’. NDIS information and processes for reporting an incident are at the NDIS website.

Any use of unauthorised restrictive practice(s) must be reported to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission as a reportable incident until the behaviour support plan is “Activated” in the NDIS Commission portal. For further information go to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission website.

Change in circumstances

If an NDIS Participant has a change in circumstances which results in no longer requiring involvement with the NT Restrictive Practices Authorisation Unit, the Service Provider must notify the Restrictive Practice Authorisation Unit via email as soon as practicably possible following the change in circumstance. Changes in circumstances may include, but are not limited to, an elimination of restrictive practice, interstate move, exiting the NDIS or notification of deceased participant.

Authorisations only apply to the jurisdiction they are made in

If an NDIS Participant with a restrictive practices in place moves to the Northern Territory from another jurisdiction, a new authorisation application will need to be made to the NT Restrictive Practices Authorisation Unit to ensure the restrictive practice meets the requirements of the Authorisation Framework.


All authorisation requests are to be submitted through the Restrictive Practice Authorisation System website.

Queries in regards to the NT NDIS Restrictive Practices Authorisation process can be emailed to the DoH Restrictive Practices Authorisation Unit at

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