NT Health strategies

Find information about recently launched NT Health strategies.

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Aboriginal Cultural Security Framework 2016 to 2026 The Northern Territory Aboriginal Cultural Security Framework 2016 to 2026 is a policy framework that aims to guide and strengthen implementation of culturally secure services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (Aboriginal) people in the Northern Territory.
Cancer Care Strategy 2018-2022 The Northern Territory Cancer Care Strategy 2018-2022 provides a comprehensive road map for the Northern Territory Department of Health, the two Health Services, clinicians, cancer organisations, cancer patients, their families  and carers to work together to guide developments and deliver services over the next five years. Developed by the Northern Territory Cancer Care Network in consultation with key cancer care stakeholders involved in the NT, it identifies and defines areas of excellence in cancer care and provides benchmarks to measure improvements in care.
Child and Adolescent Health and Wellbeing Strategic Plan 2018–2028 The Best Opportunities in Life - Child and Adolescent Health and Wellbeing Strategic Plan 2018–2028 (the Plan) aims to improve health and wellbeing services for young people aged 0-24 years old over the next 10 years.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in the Northern Territory 2018-2024 The NT Government has released a whole-of-government strategy titled Addressing Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in the Northern Territory 2018-2024. The NT Government is also delivering broad alcohol reforms that aim to reduce the demand, supply and harm caused by alcohol across the NT. It is anticipated that the initiatives targeting alcohol misuse across the NT will reduce population levels of consumption, and will contribute to reducing the incidence of FASD in our community.
Healthy, well and thriving 2024 to 2030 - the Northern Territory's prevention and early intervention framework for chronic conditions PDF (365.7 KB)Healthy, well and thriving framework aims to keep people healthy and well for as long as possible by focusing on prevention and early intervention.
NT Mental Health Lived Experience Engagement Framework PDF (12.1 MB)The NT Mental Health Lived Experience Engagement Framework outlines the expectation that all clinical and non-clinical community, health and mental health services will use inclusive engagement pathways to ensure that people who have lived experience of mental health issues are recognised as integral to service design and achieving health outcomes.
Mental Health Strategic Plan 2019-2025 Social and emotional wellbeing is vital to being healthy, productive and resilient when coping with difficult times in our lives. The Northern Territory Mental Health Strategic Plan 2019-2025 outlines the path to create mental health promoting communities, schools, and workplaces for Territorians. The plan also aims to set strategic directions for the investment in services to protect and promote mental health in the community.
NT Health’s Kidney Plan 2024–2029 PDF (2.2 MB) Territorians are facing an unprecedented burden of kidney disease. With growing rates of chronic disease, especially diabetes, we expect to see rapid growth in the incidence and prevalence of chronic kidney disease over the coming years. NT Health’s Kidney Plan 2024–2029 (the Plan) describes how we will partner and redesign our services and models of care to meet this growing clinical need.
Nursing and Midwifery Plan 2023-2028 PDF (422.4 KB) Plan on a page for the Nursing and Midwifery Plan in the Northern Territory 2023 to 2028.
Rehabilitation Strategy 2017 to 2021 The Northern Territory Rehabilitation Strategy 2017 to 2021 was developed by the NT Rehabilitation Health Network for the Department of Health. The Strategy outlines the key priorities and outcomes, which will be the focus for improvements in the delivery of rehabilitation services until 2021.
Sexually Transmissible Infections and Blood Borne Viruses Strategic and Operational Plan 2019-2023 The NT Sexually Transmissible Infections and Blood Borne Viruses Strategic and Operational Plan 2019-2023 aims to improve the sexual health of Territorians by its focus on health promotion, prevention, testing, early treatment and preventing the onward transmission of STI and BBV.
Strengthening our Health System Strategy 2020 to 2025 Northern Territory Health, Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance NT and Northern Territory Primary Health Network have partnered to increase the use of digital health technologies, launching the Strengthening our Health System Strategy 2020-2025.
Suicide Prevention Strategic Framework 2018 - 2023 The Northern Territory Suicide Prevention Strategic Framework 2018-2023 represents our strategy to reduce the Territory’s suicide rate by half over the next  10 years.

NT Health wide

One Allied Health Plan 2024-2028 PDF (25.9 MB)The One Allied Health Plan 2024-2028 is the first plan for the allied health workforce working within an integrated NT Health system. It identifies key priorities for allied health to be addressed over the next five years.
NT Health Strategic Plan 2023-2028 PDF (5.8 MB) The NT Health Strategic Plan 2023-28 reflects our strength as a single integrated health care service and provides a clear vision for our staff, patients, stakeholders and the community to deliver in partnership over the next five years. We consulted widely with staff, stakeholders and the community to develop this plan because we wanted to make sure it focused on what matters most to Territorians. As NT Health, we will work together in partnership with individuals, families, the community, Aboriginal heath organisations and stakeholders to ensure great health for all Territorians.
The NT Health Virtual Care Strategy The NT Health Virtual Care Strategy will guide the continued expansion of virtual care in the Northern Territory, to support Territorians to receive the right care, at the right place, at the right time. The Strategy defines how virtual care will be used by NT Health to compliment, elevate and extend traditional healthcare delivery models to cater for and increase accessibility for all Territorians.
NT Health Workforce Strategy 2019 to 2022 The Northern Territory Health Workforce Strategy 2019 - 2022 demonstrates a commitment to workforce development and capacity building. It positions the NT Health workforce to deliver on the overarching NT Health Strategic Plan 2019 – 2022. The strategy has been developed following extensive consultation across all areas of the Department, with the aim to build the NT Health workforce capacity to deliver innovative, sustainable services with a reputation as a workplace and environment where people want to work, live and learn.
NT Health Inclusion Strategy: Respecting People with Diverse Sexualities and Gender Identities - Plan of actions 2019 to 2022 NT Health’s vision for the strategy: NT Health engages with sexuality and gender diverse communities we serve to promote health and wellbeing. We support a diverse and inclusive workforce who are empowered to be who they are, to deliver the best service possible. The strategy identifies 28 actions to improve NT Health Services and workplaces and become more aware, respectful and inclusive of sexuality and gender diverse people. The NT Health executive team are the champions of change to drive this strategy and an advisory group comprising members from Top End Health Service, Central Australia Health Service, Department of Health and consumers will continue to guide progress.
Top End Health Service Reconciliation Action Plan July 2020 – June 2021 Top End Health Service Reconciliation Action Plan July 2020 – June 2021 is primarily a business plan that uses a holistic approach to create meaningful relationships, enhanced respect and promote sustainable opportunities for Aboriginal People.

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