Other drugs
The impact of cannabis and methamphetamine in the Northern Territory (NT) is significant.
Other substances commonly associated with the word 'illicit' include:
- MDMA (ecstasy)
- cocaine
- gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB)
- LSD (acid)
- heroin.
Minimising the harms requires a combination of actions to support and inform those who use drugs, their families and the alcohol and other drugs workforce.
The National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre (NCPIC), based at the University of NSW, has interactive workshops for professionals, using the latest evidenced-based information and interventions into cannabis use.
Read the changes to laws about Synthetic Cannabis fact sheet.
For more information about support to the alcohol and other drugs workforce, go to the NCPIC website.
In 2016, the Northern Territory Government launched the Ice Action Plan and the website breaktheice.nt.gov.au.
The Ice Action Plan - Tackling Ice in the Northern Territory contains whole-of-community and agency-specific activities to reduce the supply, demand and harms from crystal methamphetamine.
The website offers tools for health professionals as well a materials for schools and parents to speak with young people about the harms of crystal methamphetamine.
This aims to increase community and health sector understanding about the effects of drug use, targeting those most at risk as well as improving access to telephone information, counselling and follow-up services.
The Misuse of Drugs Act provides for the laws relating to the use and supply of illicit drugs.
Read the Misuse of Drugs Act.
Read the Misuse of Drugs Regulations.
Go to the Northern Territory Government website for general information about kava.
The Kava Management Act prohibits and regulates the cultivation, manufacture, production, possession and supply of kava.
Read the Kava Management Act.
Read the Kava Management Regulations.
Legal medications
The NT also has high rates of people who misuse pharmaceutical drugs that have been originally prescribed to them, or to other people, for legitimate purposes.
Read more about medicines and poisons control and pharmacy.
Read the Medicines, Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Act
Read the Medicines, Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Regulations.
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