Northern Territory Suicide Prevention Strategy

Northern Territory Suicide Prevention Strategic Framework 2018-2023

The Northern Territory Suicide Prevention Strategic Framework 2018-2023 represents our strategy to reduce the Territory’s suicide rate by half over the next  10 years.

It outlines the three priority areas for focus:

  • Building stronger communities that have increased capacity to respond to and prevent suicidal behaviour through raising awareness and reducing stigma
  • Informed, inclusive services that provide timely, integrated, compassionate and culturally safe responses that meet the diverse needs of people across the Territory
  • Focused and evidence-informed support for the most vulnerable groups of people.

Northern Territory Suicide Prevention Strategic Framework 2018-2023

Consultation to develop the framework

The framework was developed as the result of extensive public consultation across the Northern Territory and aims to  ensure care is  delivered in a culturally safe, respectful and compassionate manner.

Implementation Plan

To support the strategic framework, an implementation plan has been established and will be overseen by the Northern Territory Suicide Prevention Coordination Committee.

The plan outlines the government’s vision in achieving its goal to reduce the suicide rate over the next 5 years and improve the health and wellbeing of Territorians.

Northern Territory Suicide Prevention Implementation Plan 2023-2028 PDF (13.8 MB)

Annual Progress Reports

The Suicide Prevention Annual Progress Report Cards provide a snapshot of the key achievements and developments for the operation of the NT Suicide Prevention Implementation Plan.


For information about grants, go to the NT Suicide Prevention Grants program page.


To find out more contact the Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs Branch on 08 8999 2553 or email

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