Strategic plans

High levels of alcohol and other drug misuse across the NT is damaging our way of life.

The NT Government has introduced legislation to tackle these issues and support initiatives that increase our capacity to respond through prevention, treatment and rehabilitation.

Government will work together with other agencies, the non-government sector and the community to establish coordinated responses to address the social, health and wellbeing problems resulting from substance abuse.

The peak body for the NT alcohol and other drug sector is the Association of Alcohol and Other Drug Agencies NT (AADANT).

Strategic plans

Efforts to reduce the harms from alcohol and other drug use in the NT are aligned with the following local and national strategies.

The NT Government has released a whole-of-government strategy titled Addressing Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in the Northern Territory 2018-2024.

The NT Government is also delivering broad alcohol reforms that aim to reduce the demand, supply and harm caused by alcohol across the NT. It is anticipated that the initiatives targeting alcohol misuse across the NT will reduce population levels of consumption, and will contribute to reducing the incidence of FASD in our community.

The NT Health Strategic Plan 2014-2017 provides the corporate framework for planning for health in the NT.

The plan sets out the vision, mission, values and strategic objectives that guide all individuals and groups working to improve the health and wellbeing of Territorians. Organisational priorities are established in this framework and performance indicators and reporting requirements are set.

The following national strategies guide the NT's local response to address alcohol and other drugs issues:


The priority areas identified for NT Health are:

  • alcohol and tobacco
  • vulnerable populations
  • an integrated approach to treatment, prevention, care and support
  • investment in health promotion
  • workforce development
  • research and evaluation.

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