NT Health reviews and evaluations

Road ambulance services review

In May 2024, the Northern Territory Government announced an independent review of the NT road ambulance services. The review will make recommendations on the following focus areas:

  • Service model design
  • Service delivery
  • Legislative framework
  • Workforce capacity and capability
  • Funding
  • Governance and oversight.

The review will commence on 1 July 2024, with a final report to be provided to the Northern Territory Government by the end of the year.

Read the Ambulance Service Structural Review - Terms of Reference   PDF (579.5 KB)

Mental Health and Related Services Act 1998 review

The review of the Mental Health and Related Services Act commenced in 2020 with release of a Discussion Paper for public comment. We invited Territorians to share their views about how mental health treatment and care is regulated in the NT, and how it could be improved.

Many people came to meetings and forums through 2020-2021, and written submissions were received. People gave many different views and suggestions. All agreed that reform was needed. The Consultation Report provides a summary of the issues raised during consultation and analysis of those issues. It contains 28 recommendations for legislative reform and one further recommendation. The Fact Sheet provides a brief summary with FAQs.

NT Health has now been authorised to draft new civil mental health legislation. As a next step, an exposure draft Bill will be developed.  The exposure draft Bill will be released for public comment toward the end of 2023.

NT Health will also work with Department of Attorney General and Justice who will lead development of a new forensic mental health Bill.


E: MHActReview.DoH@nt.gov.au
P: 08 8999 2691

NT Chronic Conditions Prevention and Management Strategy 2010-2020 evaluation report

The Department of Health has recently completed the evaluation of the Northern Territory Chronic Conditions Prevention and Management Strategy 2010-2020 to assess: the implementation and impact of Strategy as well as ways to improve the development of a future Northern Territory chronic conditions strategy.

The Norrie report

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