Staff spotlight: Mary, Clinic 34


Learn more about one of our Clinic 34 social workers in Darwin.

Mary moved to Australia in 2001 to study commerce, although decided to shift in a different direction and pursue post graduate studies in social work. Now, after around 20 years of experience in human services, Mary is a Clinic 34 social worker in Darwin.

Mary describes her new role as dynamic. From delivering counselling services, organising housing, providing disability support and rehabilitation, as well as grief and loss support, no day is ever the same!

“I love that I get to interact with so many different people with diverse backgrounds. I usually look forward to when people share their circumstances and stories with me, then witnessing their journey.”

With an extensive background working in different social services such as community accommodation and respite, the disability sector, aged care, transition care, employment and training, Indigenous health, humanitarian support and counselling, Mary wants to use her past experience to help break the stigma around sexual health infections.

“Sexual health tends to be avoided in general health and social work due to collective discomfort in discussing sex and STIs. After commencing my role with Clinic 34, I realised how much stigma is attached to sexual health and infections like HIV and Hep C,” Mary said.

“Enacted or internalised stigma can result in disempowerment for individuals and communities so it is really important to educate our clients and the general public on sexual health and how easy it can be to treat infections. It’s not as scary as some may think!”

“It is really rewarding to see an individual who was initially devastated about a diagnosis learn more about it with the right information and support, adjust to it and continue to excel in all areas of their lives.”

To find out more about Clinic 34 and where you can get a free and confidential test, go to the Northern Territory Government website.


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