Health alerts

Health alerts provide current information and resources about active health conditions, diseases or risks in the Northern Territory (NT).

NT Health issues these alerts to both health professionals and the public.

Active alerts

Last updated Health alert and information Date issued
17/02/2025 Syphilis 31/10/2023
03/02/2025 Measles 03/02/2025
23/12/2024 Influenza 23/12/2024
22/11/2024 Melioidosis 22/11/2024
10/10/2024 Box jellyfish 10/10/2024
02/10/2024 Whooping cough (pertussis) 24/06/2024
01/10/2024 Gonorrhoea 20/04/2023

Drinking water quality alerts

Date Health information

Elevated fluoride - Nyirripi and Alpurrurulam

Seasonal alerts

Date Health information
October to MarchHeat stress

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