Privacy complaint

If you are concerned that your personal information has not been protected or that NT Health* has breached your privacy, please complete the below online form to make a complaint under the Information Act 2002 about a breach of your privacy.

*NT Health includes: the Department of Health (DoH), Central Australia Health Service (CAHS), or Top End Health Service (TEHS).

Contact details

Complaint details

Please provide as much detail as possible about the complaint

  • What happened
  • When it happened (including dates)
  • What personal information was affected
  • Include names of individuals involved if known
  • What area of the NT Health

Note: the clearer the information provided the easier it is to process the complaint. You can attach another sheet of paper with more details if necessary.

Please complete if you are making a complaint on behalf of another person.

Please complete if you are making a complaint on behalf of another person.

Time limit

If the incident occurred more than 12 months ago, please provide the reason for the delay in making this complaint.

Date you became aware of the incident. *

What actions and outcomes are you seeking from NT Health as a result of this complaint? If you are unsure or would like to discuss outcome options please contact the Information and Privacy Unit on (08) 8999 2402.

Submitting complaint * To the best of my knowledge, the information provided in this Privacy Complaint form is true, correct and accurate.

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