Bachelor of Midwifery

This intake is currently closed.

Find out about when the next intake opens for the employed model programs.

Why choose the employed model?

The NT Health Employed Model Program supports registered nurses to meet the clinical requirements of the Charles Darwin University’s (CDU’s) Bachelor of Midwifery while employed as a registered nurse/student midwife working in the Royal Darwin Hospital Maternity Unit.

Through clinical rotation and clinical educator support the employed model supports you to meet the clinical requirements of the Bachelor of Midwifery while employed as a registered nurse/student midwife working in the Royal Darwin Hospital (RDH) Maternity Unit.

Who can apply?

If you hold current registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) as a registered nurse with at least one year post graduate experience, recent experience in the acute care area and are enrolled or are eligible to enrol at Charles Darwin University (CDU) in the Bachelor of Midwifery course, you meet the minimum requirements to apply.

Recognised university providers

The Bachelor of Midwifery employed model program at RDH is specifically in partnership with CDU. Enrolments with other universities are not supported for this program.

Course duration

Bachelor of Midwifery is an undergraduate three year course comprising 240 credit points. As a registered nurse with a Bachelor of Nursing you receive advanced standing for 80 credit points.

For a full overview of the course please visit Bachelor of Midwifery (WMIDW2 - 2024) | Charles Darwin University

Bachelor of Midwifery is an undergraduate three year course comprising 240 credit points. As a registered nurse with a Bachelor of Nursing you receive advanced standing for 80 credit points. The remaining study is divided into 14 study units offered over four semesters, in two academic years. Five of these study units at CDU are attached to one week simulation blocks.  Four of which are Midwifery Practice Units which do not have written assessments. The fifth subject with a simulation block is designed specifically for registered nurses to immerse deeply into midwifery from the first week.

How to apply

The application process is in two parts:

  1. Apply for the CDU Bachelor of Midwifery Semester one 2024 via South Australian Tertiary Admissions Centre (SATAC)undergraduate key dates.  Application fees apply.
  2. Apply to the Northern Territory Government for the  Employed Model Program.

To apply for the program you must:

  • Current registration as a registered nurse or hold a dual degree (registered nurse and registered midwife) with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).
  • Minimum of one year post registration experience in an acute health care setting.
  • Be able to work all rostered shifts (morning, afternoon and nights).

Program dates

Employment at RDH Division of Women Children and Youth’s Maternity Unit commences in 7th March 2024 with a two week Clinical Simulation Block MID112 and MID211 at CDU scheduled for 11th March 2024.

Study load

Study load varies from full time in the first semester to 0.75 for the final two semesters.  There is little to no flexibility with study options in the Employed Model Program. There is no part time study option available within the Employed Model Program and there is no mid-year entry/exit point. The theoretical content of the course at CDU is entirely online.  There is a simulation block each semester for one week other than semester 1 as mentioned above.

Employment conditions

You will be offered a contract for two years at 0.84 full-time employment (FTE) which is 32 hours a week. If you are a permanent NT Health employee you will transfer to the Maternity Unit for that period of time. You will be employed as a registered nurse/midwifery student which is at Nurse 2 level. This will be with your relevant yearly increment; if you are in a promotional position i.e. Nurse 3 and above you will need to do a reduction by consent to N2 at your yearly increment for the period of the course/contract. You will receive annual recreation leave, personal leave and penalty payments in line with the current Enterprise Bargaining Agreement.

Shift work

To maximise clinical experience and to even out the student allocation it is essential that you have the capacity to work all shifts including weekends and night shifts. You will also be required to be available for a small amount of ‘on call’ to meet the requirements of the course (these times are not expected to be frequent). There is no capacity to offer fixed roster requests, it affects the clinical experience of other students.

Clinical experience

This is offered through pre-mapped rotation in the clinical areas which includes antenatal/postnatal ward (6A), Birth Suite, Antenatal/Midwives clinic, Domiciliary Midwifery Service, Midwifery Group Practice and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. You will be allocated preceptors and a designated amount of supernumerary time in each area to enable a smooth transition into being included in the staffing numbers.


For all enquiries, email nursing and midwifery in the Northern Territory at or call 1800 000 648.

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