Graduate programs
Applications for the 2025 Graduate Nursing and Midwifery Program are now closed.
Applications for the 2026 Graduate Nursing and Midwifery Program will open in May 2025.
Information for Registered Undergraduate Student of Nursing/Midwifery (RUSoN/M)
If you are still completing your studies we highly recommend you apply for a position as a RUSoN/M. These positions are available at all NT Health hospitals and are only open to second or third year (Undergraduate Bachelor) or a first and second year (Masters of Nursing) nurses and/or midwives with current student registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia.
This is not only a great way to consolidate your skills, gain employment and take your first step in your new career, it is also a great way to secure a place with NT Health Graduate Nurse and Midwife Program (GNMP).
Positions are available on a part-time and casual basis, apply today.
The graduate program is available at:
- Barkly region (Tennant Creek Hospital)
- Big Rivers region (Katherine Hospital)
- Central Australia region (Alice Springs Hospital)
- East Arnhem region (Gove District Hospital)
- Top End region (Royal Darwin and Palmerston Regional Hospitals).
There are a large range of clinical rotations available and you will be allocated to a specific rotation plan at the beginning of your program.
The unique profile of Territorians means that you will have unparalleled opportunities to experience complex care provision.
What is offered during the NT Health GNMP
With a place on the NT Health GNMP you can expect:
- A dedicated team of Clinical Nurse Education Specialists to provide ongoing support and mentorship throughout the entire 12 months of the NT Health GNMP.
- Program participants will undertake an intensive orientation and workplace readiness program designed specifically for graduate nurses and midwives to prepare and support their initial introduction to providing hospital care in the Northern Territory.
- Supernumerary time is provided each rotation and varied according to your individual needs.
- Participants of the graduate program are offered great professional development opportunities with regular educational in-services, protected time off the ward to partake in regular debrief sessions run by program educators and a quality improvement project.
- Regular ward visits by the program educators offer ongoing support in the clinical setting.
Nursing graduates are generally allocated 2 x 6-month clinical rotations. However, some hospitals and clinical areas have one month specialty clinical rotations.
Once you have received a successful offer of employment with the NT Health GNMP you will have the opportunity to preference your speciality areas.
Note: not all specialty areas are offered at each hospital and are subject to availability.
Options include the below.
Medical (sub-specialities within category):
- caring for the elderly
- emergency
- palliative Care
- renal Care
- cardiology
- oncology/haematology
- neurology
- acute medical
- rehabilitation
- stroke care.
Mental health (sub-specialities within category):
- adult inpatient mental health
- community and outreach mental health
- youth inpatient mental health.
Surgical (sub-specialities within category):
- ambulatory care
- orthopaedic
- acute surgical
- trauma/burns care
- peri-operative care
- day procedures
- intensive/high dependency
- procedural areas/interventional suites.
Paediatrics (sub-specialities within category):
- paediatric care
- neonatal.
Community (sub-specialities within category):
- primary/community health care
- prison health.
Midwifery graduates are generally allocated 3 or 4 clinical rotations depending on the hospital and clinical area.
Midwifery rotations include:
- antenatal clinics
- birthing/delivery suites
- postnatal ward
- domiciliary care
- special care nursery
- Midwifery Group Practice (caseload).
Why the Northern Territory
The unique profile of Territorians means that you will have unparalleled opportunities to experience complex care provision. Working in hospitals across the Northern Territory allows you flexibility to learn and experience a wide range of specialities that you would not experience in larger metropolitan areas. This provides our nurses and midwives with the opportunity to progress their careers through unique experiences in remote and regional areas of Australia, with the opportunity to further your career in post graduate studies after the program.
As a nursing/midwifery graduate with NT Health you will receive support and education from clinical educators as well as experienced nurses and midwives.
They will facilitate your transition into practice and enable professional and personal development opportunities.
This includes debriefing sessions, case study presentations, quality improvement activities and mentorship when looking beyond your graduate program. Once accepted into the graduate program you will be able to nominate a preference for clinical areas and wards you would like to work in. Clinical rotations are allocated based on graduates nominations and availability.
Some areas are very popular and demand can be high for these positions, every effort is taken to place you in one of your preferred clinical areas however, due to availability not all preferences are guaranteed.
Eligibility to the 2026 GNMP will be updated closer to the application open date.
How and when to apply
Please read before applying.
Applications to the 2026 GNMP will open in late May 2025 and will remain open until early 2026. The commencement of the program will vary slightly depending on each region.
Only complete applications will be considered. If you do not submit all the required documents or should the documents not meet the requirements, your application will not be progressed for assessment.
In order to give yourself the best possible chance of securing a graduate program position it is worthwhile taking the time to prepare your application and ensure that it meets with the essential requirements.
Review the following information carefully and use it when preparing your application:
- check eligibility to apply
- research which region or regions you would like to work
- prepare application
- ensure your nominated referees are aware they will be contacted to provide a reference
- Prepare all the required documentation prior to commencing your online application
- ensure documents are saved using the required naming conventions - see below.
It is in your best interest to ensure that your application has been submitted with all relevant paperwork, failing to do so will delay your application being reviewed.
Note: only complete applications will be processed.
Please only submit requested documents.
Tip for success – Rename your documents as per the below file names before you upload them to your application. Please ensure you submit your documents in pdf format.
Tick when complete | Please name your files prior to uploading as below | Upload Selection |
☐ | Last name First name_ Cover letter | One page summary application |
☐ | Last name First name_ Resume | Resume |
☐ | Last name First name_ Academic transcript | Qualifications |
☐ | Last name First name_ Clinical Placement Report 1 | Other |
☐ | Last name First name_ Clinical Placement Report 2 | Other |
☐ | Last name First name_ Proof of identification | Other |
☐ | Last name First name_ Evidence of working rights (Required for non-citizens only) | Other |
☐ | Last name First name_ Evidence of Aboriginality (required for Special Measures applicant only) | Other |
Cover letter
Your cover letter should be addressed to the selection panel covering the essential selection criteria of the job descriptions as well as showcasing your interest, skills and experience.
Nursing and midwifery recognise that upholding the values of NT Health ‘Safe, Responsive, Kind’ are essential to providing exceptional care. In your cover letter please make reference to ‘Safe, Responsive, Kind’ and describe how as a new graduate you would contribute to these NT Health values.
Your resume should provide an overview of your education and work experience as relevant to the GNMP.
Essential selection criteria
The selection panel will use all of the information you provide to assess your merit against the essential selection criteria.
You must address the essential criteria within the job description (which can be found on the job application link).
We value referee comments very highly, so please ensure your referee understands the need to provide as much detail as required for the panel to adequately understand how your skills and experience will be of value in the GNMP.
Your nominated referees must be from a registered nurse/midwife who was directly involved in supervising you while on clinical placement, preferably for a minimum period of 5 working days.
Appropriate referees include a Nurse Unit Manager, Clinical Nurse Manager, Educator, Clinical Facilitator, Clinical Liaison Lecturer or similar.
If you are employed by NT Health as a RUSON/M or Patient Care Assistant, please include your current line manager as one of your references.
It is important you ensure your referees are willing and available to provide a referee report for you. It is good practice to contact your referee and remind them of the dates they worked with you as sometimes they may need a reminder of when you have completed your placement with their unit.
Your nominated referees will be sent an electronic referee report to complete so please ensure to provide their correct email address in your application. If we do not receive a response from your referee it will delay your application progressing.
Clinical placement reports
Your clinical placement reports are preferably from your final year of studies and completed by 2 different people who have been directly involved in your supervision or education in a clinical setting. If you have not completed all your clinical placements at the time of application you must include at least one final year report.
For those studying your Bachelor of Nursing and/or Midwifery, your clinical placement report will score your placement against the Australian Nursing Standards Assessment Tool (ANSAT) or The Australian Midwifery Standards Assessment Tool (AMSAT) .
For those completing their Diploma of Nursing, your placement report will be scored against the Enrolled Nurse standards for practice .
If you are a New Zealand graduate nurse, your clinical placement report will be scored against the Domains of competencies .
Note: clinical placement reports must equate to at least 8 weeks of placement e.g. 2 x 4 week clinical placement reports or 3 x 3 week clinical placement reports.
Your clinical placement reports must be the summative report (interim reports will not be accepted) and include the following details:
- hospital/place the placement took place
- period of placement
- clinical area
- specialty area, name of the ward/department.
Academic transcript
The panel will consider your academic performance as part of their assessment. You must provide your academic transcript(s) which clearly states GPA/WAM score, including education provider logo and a results legend.
If you are applying for a position on the Graduate Enrolled Nurse Program you must provide your current academic transcript.
Please provide details on your current nursing/midwifery qualification, including your education provider name in full, for example ‘Charles Darwin University’ not ‘CDU’.
Priority selection
NT Health uses the merit principles to assess applicant’s suitability for the role. In addition to assessing against merit, the panel will consider the following demographic information to determine priority order:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants
Find out more on the requirements of special measures in recruitment.
The Northern Territory Public Sector (NTPS) values diversity and aims to achieve a workforce that is representative of the community we serve, and is committed to improving recruitment, retention and career development opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. To support this special measures priority consideration for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants applies to the GNMP.
NT Health Registered Undergraduate Student of Nursing/Midwifery
Those currently employed at an NT Health facility as a RUSoN/M are still required to complete their application to the GNMP portal.
Australian Defence Force Members
Those who are current full-time serving members of the Australian Defence Force.
Enrolled Nurse transitioning to Registered Nurse
If you are an enrolled nurse who has recently completed their studies to become a registered nurse, you will be eligible to complete a 6 month fast-track program.
Note: regardless of priority consideration, applicants must meet the selection criteria to the required standard to be deemed successful in the process.
Offers of employment
The first thing to be aware of is that your application will be used in totality to assess your suitability for a position on the graduate program. This means no face-to-face interviews. You will be required to complete your application in detail with appropriate references to validate your experience, skills and performance.
Each regional hospital offers a full program or a rotation of the GNMP. The number of positions available vary according to service and operational needs of the service.
When completing your application you will be asked to nominate your location preferences. Based on this you will be prompted to nominate your preferred location and a secondary location. You will also have the opportunity to select whether you are open to other opportunities for places available across the Northern Territory.
Nomination of your preferred location doesn't guarantee you will be offered this area. Please don't nominate a preference that you do not intend to accept.
Every effort will be taken to support your nominated location. However to ensure we provide care where it's needed most, places are allocated according to vacancies across our services.
The panel will use the merit principle in reviewing your application, which determines suitability:
- having regard to the person’s knowledge
- skills
- qualifications and experience
- potential for future development.
Your conditional offer of employment is pending pre-employment conditions being met. Employment offered on a full-time and part-time (0.8) basis.
When you gain your AHPRA registration may influence which intake you are allocated.
Failure to meet employment conditions
Once you have accepted your conditional offer the Graduate Education and Nursing Recruitment teams will provide you with information regarding program intake dates, pre-employment requirements and contract information.
Prior to commencing you must obtain registration as an enrolled nurse, registered nurse or registered midwife with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, (including all English testing if required) prior to intake commencement. Your registration will determine which intake you are allocated. Failure to meet this eligibility requirement will result in rescindment of your offer.
Prior to commencing you must have secured a visa allowing ongoing, full-time employment in Australia prior to commencement and last the length of the program. Failure to provide evidence of ongoing working rights 4 weeks prior to your commencement date may result in your program offer being rescinded.
Note: if you are unable to meet the required employment conditions of the GNMP your program offer will be rescinded.
Life after the GNMP - Career pathways in NT Health
Upon completion, you will be provided with a certificate at the graduate ceremony and be placed in a great position to continue an exciting and fulfilling career within NT Health as a Nurse or Midwife.
To secure ongoing employment after the graduate program, you will be guided through the process by the graduate education team.
To find out more about living and working in the Northern Territory, go to the Clinical Recruitment website.
For all enquiries, email nursing and midwifery in the Northern Territory at or call 1800 000 648.
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