Top End Health Service specialities and rotations

Pathologist and Registrar positions in Territory Pathology (based at RDH)

Royal Darwin Hospital (RDH) is a tertiary level hospital, providing care to patients throughout the Northern Territory.

Territory Pathology is a network of six public hospital laboratories. Laboratories ranging in size from small rural and remote facilities to a larger, more complex facility located in Royal Darwin Hospital (RDH). The Darwin laboratory, though larger than its territory counterparts, also functions as a remote facility with many tests referred to more specialised interstate laboratories.

The Darwin laboratory is classified as a Category GX laboratory and is responsible for providing supervision and support to the other five regional (Category B) laboratories located at Alice Springs Hospital, Palmerston Regional Hospital, Katherine Hospital, Gove District Hospital and Tennant Creek Hospital.

Our service includes microbiology (bacteriology, mycobacteriology, mycology, molecular microbiology, parasitology, and serology), anatomical pathology, chemical pathology, haematology, blood transfusion, forensic pathology and genomics.

The tropical location combined with our patient population ensures medical staff will be exposed to a wide range of interesting and varied clinical presentations.


Territory Pathology Darwin, located at Royal Darwin Hospital (RDH), occupies Building 13. It is a separate building linked to the main hospital by a Lamson pneumatic tube delivery system. Blood gas analysers managed by the Pathology Department are also found in ICU, ED, SCN, Theatre and Renal ward.

An outpatient collection centre is located on the ground floor of the main hospital block.



There are consultant positions covering each discipline: Director of Pathology, Director Microbiology, Director Anatomical Pathology, Director Chemical Pathology, Director Haematology and Director Forensic Pathology.

Additional pathologists are available to support pathology services and provide clinical advice.


We have RCPA trainees in the disciplines of anatomical pathology, microbiology and haematology. The Colleges currently recognise up to two years of service as part of their training program.

Medical Laboratory Scientists

Territory Pathology Darwin has a Network Supervising Scientist for each scientific discipline, as well as a manager for our client services area.

Each laboratory site has a range of scientific and technical staff suitable to their test scope.


The director or a deputised alternative is available at all times through the hospital switchboard.

Alternatively, you can contact Associate Professor Rob Baird by emailing

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