Centre for Disease Control – Public Health Division

Surveillance and Response Unit

The Surveillance and Response Unit sits within the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) in Darwin.

It coordinates the routine public health response to notifiable diseases.

In Central Australia and other regional health service areas, the local CDC units initiate the public health response. The Darwin team provides support as needed.

Led by a public health physician, the multi-disciplinary team comprises:

  • public health nurses
  • epidemiologists
  • surveillance officers
  • a data manager.

What we do

The unit has a range of responsibilities including:

  • carries out disease surveillance and monitors trends to inform policy and decision-making
  • delivers the ‘on call’ function at CDC, providing advice to health professionals, businesses and the public
  • responds to initial suspected and confirmed notifiable diseases
  • monitors diseases for potential further spread or outbreak
  • educates health professionals on notifiable disease reporting and management in the NT.

Surveillance updates

Read about communicable disease trends across the Northern Territory.

Report a notifiable disease

Find out how to report a notifiable disease and get specific disease information on the public health and notifiable diseases page.

Northern Territory Disease Control Bulletin

The Northern Territory (NT) Disease Control Bulletin is produced by the NT Centre for Disease Control.

It has been published quarterly since 1991.

The bulletin provides the latest data on communicable disease and notifiable conditions in the NT.

It includes:

  • surveillance and epidemiological data
  • immunisation coverage
  • articles
  • links to current research.

All issues are available on the NT Health digital library website.

To enquire about the bulletin, contact the Public Health Unit’s Centre for Disease Control.

Trachoma program

The aim of the Trachoma Program is to eliminate blinding trachoma from endemic communities.

The World Health Organisation recommends a multi-faceted intervention strategy known as SAFE (Surgery, Antibiotics, Facial (and hand) cleanliness and Environmental improvement) involving:

  • Surgery for trichiasis - eye lid surgery is carried out to prevent corneal opacity within the pupillary margin that results from entropion (in-turning) of the eye lashes to the extent they scratch and permanently damage the cornea
  • Antibiotics - active Chlamydia trachomatis infection is treated with antibiotics
  • Facial cleanliness - it is well demonstrated that children with clean faces have less trachoma infections. Health promotion programs are implemented to educate communities about trachoma, the importance of personal hygiene and practical advice on facial cleanliness
  • Environmental improvements - it is important to reduce overcrowding and improve water and sanitation facilities.

The Trachoma Program delivers the SAFE strategy through a network of organisations and services who undertake screening, community treatment, health promotion, training and community worker education in the NT.

To contact the program see CDC contacts.


The Trachoma Program collaborates with the following health organisations and services.


Go to CDC resources and publications.

Tuberculosis and leprosy unit

Tuberculosis (TB) and leprosy are conditions of significant public health importance in the Northern Territory (NT).

Although CDC focus has been on screening for TB in the local Indigenous population, a large part of our work is now screening those born overseas, including international students, newly arrived refugees and illegal foreign fishermen.

CDC in Darwin coordinates the service responsible for the management of TB, leprosy and nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM), under the direction of the Director of the CDC and head of the NT TB / leprosy units. Units are located in Katherine, Nhulunbuy (Gove), Tennant Creek and Alice Springs.

Cases are identified by comprehensive free screenings of those most at risk and by health service referrals. These patients are then managed as per current protocol.

Go to CDC contacts to contact TB and leprosy unit.

What we do

The TB and leprosy unit performs the following roles.

  • manage and coordinate the NT's TB and leprosy policies including strategic planning, implementation and surveillance with the long-term aim of eliminating them in the NT
  • notification, enhanced surveillance and statistical analysis of local data
  • provide clinical services for active TB, latent TB infection (LTBI) and leprosy patients including advice about inpatient management, community screening and contact tracing
  • produce guidelines for the management and control of TB, leprosy and NTM in the NT
  • educate health professionals, the public and government agency staff about TB and leprosy standards, guidelines and training.
  • represent the NT and national committees relating to TB, leprosy, refugee health and health screening of illegal foreign fishermen
  • liaise with Melaleuca Refugee Centre to ensure the provision of initial health assessments for newly arrived refugees
  • participate in research to improve regional TB and leprosy control and management. This has included strengthening TB control in East Timor.

Key partners

The unit works closely with these professionals and organisations:

  • community nurses and health workers
  • hospital health professionals
  • Melaleuca Refugee Centre and the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC)
  • NT schools and Charles Darwin University
  • Australian Customs Service, Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service, GSL (Australia) Pty Ltd and other personnel involved in the apprehension and detention of illegal foreign fishermen
  • Darwin and Alice Springs Correctional Centres.


Go to CDC resources and publications for TB and leprosy guidelines and information.

Medical entomology

The CDC Medical Entomology Unit sits within the Public Health Unit.

What we do

The unit provides advice and carries out surveillance, monitoring, and control of insects of medical importance that affect human health.

It primarily performs a public health function with the aim of reducing the impact of insects of medical importance on the health and wellbeing of people in the Northern Territory. Mosquitoes and biting midges are the primary focus.

The Medical Entomology Unit works with the following objectives:

  • to keep the NT free of malaria, dengue and other exotic mosquito borne diseases
  • monitor and reduce endemic mosquito borne disease in the NT
  • monitor and reduce endemic mosquito pest numbers in NT urban centres
  • maintain integrated mosquito control programs at major centres throughout the Territory
  • provide planning and development advice and guidelines to the Departments of Infrastructure, Planning and Environment and others to prevent new biting insect problems
  • carry out cooperative and applied research on insects of medical importance to enable better control or reduce the impact of problem species
  • promote public awareness and provide an advisory service on insects of medical importance to various government authorities, private enterprise and the public.


A large range of publications produced by the Medical Entomology Unit is available in ePublications, and on the CDC resource page under ‘ME’ including:

  • development guidelines
  • annual reports
  • scientific reports and publications.

Mosquito calendars

Go to insects of medical importance for calendars and information on:

  • biting midges
  • saltmarsh mosquitoes.

Websites and resources

For general information see these online resources:

Rheumatic Heart Disease program

The Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD) program aims to reduce the burden of RHD in the Northern Territory (NT) and prevent acute rheumatic fever. The RHD team meets this challenge by working closely with patients and their families through education, training, support of community members and health staff.

Contact the RHD team through the CDC contacts.

NT RHD register

The Northern Territory (NT) RHD program supports people with RHD and works to reduce recurrences of ARF.  One of the important ways it does this is through monitoring a register of people with RHD in the NT.

To join the register fill out the rheumatic heart disease register access application form.

If you are already signed up, go to the NT rheumatic heart disease register to login.


Immunisation program

The following information provides health professionals with current immunisation information, updates and resources and links to vaccination education courses.

The immunisation schedules provide information on current National Immunisation Program (NIP) vaccination advice for children, adolescents and adults.

Download the current schedule using the links below.

Save the schedules to your desktop for access to quick links for further information. Replace all immunisation schedules when they are updated.

Access the Australian Immunisation Handbook for current vaccine advice.

Vaccine wastage form online

Use this form to report all vaccine wastage.

In the event of vaccine wastage due to a Cold Chain Breach, do not discard the vaccines until advised by CDC. Call the Immunisation Program on 08 8922 8315 during business hours to report a Cold Chain Breach.

Adverse event following immunisation form

Adverse events following immunisation refers to any untoward medical occurrence that follows immunisation, whether it is expected or unexpected and regardless of whether it is triggered by the vaccine or coincidentally occurs following its administration.

Refer to the Australian Immunisation Handbook for specific definitions and advice on adverse events following immunisation (AEFI’s) or call the Immunisation Program on 08 8922 8315 during business hours.

To report an AEFI on line or to access a hard copy, fill in these forms:

Rabies/Lyssavirus post-exposure prophylaxis form

Use this form for all cases requiring rabies/lyssavirus post-exposure prophylaxis.

This includes giving rabies immunoglobulin (HRIG) and/or rabies vaccine.

Email completed form to ImmunisationProgram.TEHS@nt.gov.au.

Vaccine order form

Use this form when ordering all NIP vaccines for your clinic.

In the event of vaccine wastage due to a Cold Chain Breach, do not discard the vaccines until advised by CDC. Call the Immunisation Program on 08 8922 8315 during business hours to report a Cold Chain Breach.

Vaccination recording form

If you are a vaccine provider and do not currently record immunisations electronically, complete this form for people of any age who have received a vaccination.

Email the completed form to ImmunisationUnit.THS@nt.gov.au or fax the form to NT Immunisation on 08 8922 8897.

Correct vaccine storage and handling is fundamental to effective immunisation programs.

This section contains information for vaccine providers on correct vaccine storage, maintaining vaccines at the recommended temperature range of +2°C and +8°C and what to do in the event of a cold chain breach.

For further information regarding vaccine storage refer to the Australian Government's national vaccine storage guidelines 'Strive for 5'.

Check and record the vaccine fridge temperature (minimum, maximum and current temperature) twice daily, before the refrigerator is used for the first time and at the end of each day.

Temperature chart for mobile or outreach immunisation clinics or emergency storage of vaccines.

Vaccination provider education - HESA accredited vaccine courses

To administer vaccines without the order of a medical practitioner in the Northern Territory, registered nurses, midwives and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioners (who have never completed a course - or completed a course over 3 years ago) are required to complete a Health Education Services Australia (HESA) approved vaccine course.

Access HESA approved courses on the Health Education Services Australia website.

Ongoing vaccination provider education - NT upskilling course

To remain qualified, vaccination providers  are required to complete About Giving Vaccines Upskilling Course at least every three years.

Access the course on the Remote Area Health Corps (RAHC) website.

State and territory legislation outlines who can access and administer vaccines.

All vaccines must be administered in accordance with the relevant legislation, best practice, and the guidelines recommended in the Australian Immunisation Handbook.

In the Northern Territory, notices relating to the Medicines. Poisons and Therapeutic Goods ACT 2012, allow certain health practitioners to possess, administer and supply substances under protocol.  For more information, read medicines and poisons notices.

All nurses, midwives, ATSIHPs and pharmacists must be competent and adhere to the indications, restrictions and contraindications identified for the use of any vaccine included in the 'Scheduled Substance Treatment Protocol' (SSTP). Any care provided outside the scope of the related documents referred to in the SSTP must be discussed with a medical officer at the time.

Relevant SSTPS can be found on the medicines and poisons notices webpage.

Sexual Health and Blood Borne Viruses

The Sexual Health and Blood Borne Viruses (SHBBV) sits under the Public Health Directorate and aims to reduce the incidence and transmission of sexually transmissible infections (STIs) and blood borne viruses (BBVs) in the Northern Territory (NT).

We work with health services, training organisations and researchers to plan, implement, monitor and evaluate public health response to controlling infections.

To contact NT Heath’s policy and strategy development unit, email Sexual Health and Blood Borne Viruses on SHBBV.NT@nt.gov.au

To contact Clinic 34, the NT Health’s regional health services delivering sexual health services, go to the Northern Territory Government website.

Syphilis outbreak

There is an ongoing syphilis outbreak in the NT, learn about the local and national response.

National testing and diagnosis policy The current national testing policies for HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C set out a framework for providing quality testing and removing real and perceived barriers to testing. Australasian Society of HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine (ASHM) testing portal
Northern Territory Sexually Transmissible Infections and Blood Borne Viruses Strategic and Operational Plan 2019-2023 The NT Sexually Transmissible Infections and Blood Borne Viruses Strategic and Operational Plan  aims to improve the sexual health of Territorians by its focus on health promotion, prevention, testing, early treatment and preventing the onward transmission of STI and BBV NT Health Library Services ePublications
National strategies for bloodborne viruses and sexually transmissible infections A framework and agreed direction for a high-quality and coordinated national response to bloodborne viruses and sexually transmissible infectionsAustralian Government Department of Health and Aged Care

Learn more about notifiable conditions to be reported in the NT.

NT Guidelines for the Management of Sexually Transmitted Infections in the Primary Health Care setting Provides a reference to assist with sexual health service delivery by primary health care clinicians. NT Health Library Services ePublications
Congenital syphilis guidelines for the Northern Territory For assessment and management of syphilis in pregnancy and the neonatal period. NT Health Library Services ePublications
Northern Territory Clinical Guidelines for Termination of Pregnancy Provides guidance and support for practitioners participating in termination of pregnancy services. NT Health Library Services ePublications
Remote primary health care manuals The Remote Primary Health Care website provides downloadable manuals for the:
  • Standard Treatment Manual
  • Women’s Business Manual
  • Clinical Procedures Manual for Remote and Rural practice
  • Medicines Book for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioners.
Remote Primary Health Care Manuals

Guidelines include:

  • Australian STI Management Guidelines for Use in Primary Care
  • PrEP clinical guidelines
  • Post-Exposure Prophylaxis after Non-Occupational and Occupational Exposure to HIV: Australian Guidelines
  • Guidance on HIV Management in Australia- The ARV Guidelines with Australian commentary
  • Australasian Contact Tracing Guidelines
  • Australian Consensus STI Testing Guideline For Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander People for use by primary care clinicians working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
A comprehensive range of resources to support the HIV, viral hepatitis and sexual health workforce. The Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine
CDNA National Guidelines for Public Health Units The SoNG collection contains nationally consistent advice and guidance to help Public Health Units respond to notifiable diseases. Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care
Pregnancy Care Guidelines and related documents A collection of Clinical Practice Guidelines for Pregnancy Care. Which provide a reliable and standard reference for health professionals providing antenatal care. Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care
Australian Sexually Transmitted Infection & HIV Testing Guidelines 2019 for asymptomatic men who have sex with men The Guidelines provide GPs and other clinicians with recommendations for STI and HIV testing for asymptomatic men who have sex with men. NSW STI Program Unit

NT SHBBVU surveillance updates The NT SHBBVU surveillance updates are quarterly statistics for notifiable STIs and BBVs.

The data used for the report includes data extracted from the NT Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System and data from the HIV/AIDS database maintained by SHBBVU.

All notification rates for quarters and 6-month periods presented in this report are crude annualised rates.

Caution should be taken when interpreting the statistics reported in this publication.
NT Health Library
Australian annual surveillance reports The Australia annual surveillance report provides an analysis of HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmissible infections in Australia. It includes includes estimates of incidence and prevalence of HIV and viral hepatitis, by demographic and risk groups, patterns of treatment for HIV and viral hepatitis infection, and behavioural risk factors for HIV and hepatitis C infection. Kirby Institute

Hep B PAST Working towards the elimination of Chronic Hepatitis B (CHB) from Indigenous Australians in the Northern Territory. Menzies School of Health Research
Australian Collaboration for Coordinated Enhanced Sentinel Surveillance (ACESS) of STIs and BBV A national sexual health surveillance network led by sexual health clinicians and researchers at the Burnet Institute, the Kirby Institute, and the National Reference Laboratory. Kirby Institute
The Australian Study of Health and Relationships (ASHR) Australia’s largest and most comprehensive survey of sexual health, behaviour, and attitudes. Conducted once a decade, it provides information essential for the development of policy and the delivery of sexual and reproductive health programs. The Australian Study of Health and Relationships (ASHR)
Centre for Social Research in Health A specialist research centre undertaking social and behavioural science research with focus on HIV, hepatitis C, harm reduction and sexuality.UNSW
Viral Hepatitis Epidemiology and Prevention ProgramConducts research on key infections (including viral hepatitis and HIV) in vulnerable populations such as sex workers, people who use/inject drugs and men who have sex with men, including the Australian Needle and Syringe Program Survey.Kirby Institute
Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and SocietySocial research into sexuality, health and the social dimensions of human relationships. It runs surveys such as the National Survey of Australian Secondary Students and Sexual Health, undertakes strategic research and provides training, resources and workforce development programs.La Trobe University
EC Australia: Eliminate Hepatitis C Australia PartnershipBrings together researchers, public health specialists, community organisations, government and health services to work in partnership to focus on eliminating hepatitis C as a public health threat in Australia by 2030.Burnet Institute
Centre for Excellence in Rural Sexual HealthFocus on designing, implementing and evaluating programs that provide practical solutions for the improvement of sexual health in rural Victoria.The University of Melbourne
WA Sexual Health and Blood-borne Virus Applied Research and Evaluation Network (SiREN)SiREN is a partnership between researchers, service providers and policymakers working to strengthen evidence-informed policy and practice in Western Australia.SiREN
Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory (VIDRL)Leading Australian infectious diseases reference laboratory located in Melbourne, Victoria. It is now part of the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity (the Doherty).VIDRL
TTANGO2 (Test, Treat and Go Trial 2)Through TTANGO2, STI point-of-care (PoC) testing for chlamydia and gonorrhoea and also trichomonas on the Cepheid GeneXpert is being implemented in a network of primary health services over a 5-year period to evaluate the long-term uptake, sustainability and impact of STI POC testing in these services. TTANGO2 is being undertaken in health services in regional and remote areas of WA, along with several sites in Far North QLD, SA and NT. NT Health is a partner in this research.TTANGO

NTG training modules Online NTG training modules open to non-NTG staff:
  • Sexual Assault Preliminary Forensic Kits training
  • Implanon competency assessment register
  • Forensic and medical management of sexual abuse
  • Domestic and Family violence information sharing scheme
Managing Hepatitis B in Primary Health Care trainingThrough the Hep B PAST project, Menzies School of Health Research has developed the Managing Hepatitis B in Primary Health Care training. Email the SHBBV unit for training dates. Menzies School of Health Research
LGBTI Living Well Program The LGBTI Living Well Program is a digital information, training, and resource program covering topics about:
  • inclusive language
  • sexual and gender diversity
  • silver rainbow LGBTI ageing and aged care
  • trans 101 workshop.
Northern Territory AIDS and Hepatitis Council Inc
Family Planning Welfare Association (FPWNT) trainingFamily Planning Welfare Association (FPWNT) is a registered training organisation that offers a range of accredited training courses in reproductive and sexual health matters for doctors, nurses and Aboriginal health practitioners. Courses are offered throughout the year at a number of centres across the Northern Territory.Family Planning Welfare Association (FPWNT)
NT Hepatitis B S100 Prescriber CourseGeneral Practitioners, Nurse Practitioners, Nurses, other community based medical practitioners in Northern Territory can undertake the NT Hepatitis B S100 Prescriber Course to become a hepatitis B s100 prescriber to manage and treat chronic hepatitis B in primary care settings.The Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine
NT Domestic and Family Violence TrainingNT Domestic and Family Violence Risk Assessment and Management Framework (RAMF) Training across different sites across NT. The training is a one day long, face to face and free.Northern Territory Council of Social Service
Remote Area Health Corps (RAHC)RAHC has a suite of online eLearning modules to increase awareness about various aspects of working within remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, including modules about:
  • Sexual Health in a Primary Health Care Setting
  • Trachoma Grading
  • Syphilis in Remote Australian Communities.
Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine (ASHM) eLeaningThe ASHM website delivers a range of high-quality HIV, viral hepatitis and sexual health education sessions and workforce development programs.

Programs are available on demand as well as through online video conferencing sessions.

Australian Professional Association for Trans Health (AusPATH)AusPath offers a eLearning module on Trans Primary Care for general practitioners, practice nurses and medical students to become familiar with and sensitive to the diverse terminology, experiences, health issues, standards and referral pathways with respect to trans clients (binary and non-binary).AusPath
Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM)Online courses on contact tracing, transgender primary care, women’s health amongst other CPD.ACRRM
Centre for Excellence in Rural Sexual HealthThe University of Melbourne’s Centre for Excellence in Rural Sexual Health (CERSH) has developed free and RACGP and ACRRM accredited online learning modules for rural health professionals and other interested rural workers. There are currently 12 modules available. The overall aim of the modules is to provide practitioners with knowledge and skills regarding aspects of sexual health that particularly pertain to the rural setting.University of Melbourne

Hep B Story App The Hep B Story app is a visual, interactive app designed for patients living with chronic hepatitis B (hep B) and their families.Menzies School of Health Research
Play safe proPlay safe pro has a collection of tools for talking with young people about sexual health.Play safe pro
For Doctors, Nurses, Health WorkersUseful resources to enhance clinical practice in remote communities, with a focus on engaging with young people on the need to test regularly for STIs and BBVs.Young Deadly Free
Syphilis audio fact sheetsA collection of audible fact sheet for patients about syphilis in different languages, spoken by both males and females.NT Health Library Services ePublications
Infections and conditions fact sheetsA collection of fact sheet for patients about sexually transmitted infections and safe sex.Northern Territory Government

SHBBV manages and coordinates two key harm reduction programs in the NT.

Needle Syringe Program

The NSP aims to prevent the spread of blood borne viruses and other harms from injecting drugs. It does this by reducing the sharing or reuse of injecting equipment.

Read more about the NSP, go to the Northern Territory Government website.

Take Home Naloxone

Take Home Naloxone program allows people to access Naloxone free of charge and without a prescription from all participating community pharmacies, hospital pharmacies and approved medical practitioners.

Centre for Disease Control contacts

Contact the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) for general enquiries including notification of diseases.

LocationAddress Contact details
Darwin Ground Floor, John Hargrave Building (Building 4)
Royal Darwin Hospital
Rocklands Drive
Tiwi NT 0810
P: 08 8922 8044 or 1800 008 002
F: 08 8922 8310
E: CDCSurveillance.DARWIN@nt.gov.au
Katherine O'Keefe House
Katherine Hospital
Gorge Road
Katherine NT 0850
P: 08 8973 9049
F: 08 8973 9048
E: CDC.Katherine@nt.gov.au
Tennant Creek Schmidt Street
Tennant Creek NT 0860
P: 08 8962 4259
E: CDC.Barkly@nt.gov.au
Alice Springs Eurilpa House
Lower Ground Floor 
25 Todd Street
Alice Springs NT 0870
P: 08 8951 7540
F: 08 8951 7900
E: CDC.alicesprings@nt.gov.au
Nhulunbuy Mathew Flinders Way
Nhulunbuy NT 0880
P: 08 8987 0357
F: 08 8987 0500
E: CDCGove.DoH@nt.gov.au

Contact a CDC program

For specific program enquiries you can contact a CDC unit.

Darwin Royal Darwin Hospital
Building 19
Rocklands Drive
Tiwi NT 0810
08 8922 8901

Learn more about medical entomology.

Top End RHDdarwin.THS@nt.gov.au08 8922 8454 08 8922 8277
Central Australia RHDAliceSprings.THS@nt.gov.au08 8951 6909 08 8951 7900

Learn more about the RHD program.

Darwin 08 8922 7818 08 8922 8310
Alice Springs 08 8951 7552 08 8951 7900

Learn more about the syphilis register.

Darwin TB / Leprosy Unit
John Hargrave Building (Building 4)
Royal Darwin Hospital
Rocklands Drive
Tiwi NT 0810

08 8922 8804


O'Keefe House
Katherine Hospital
Gorge Road
Katherine NT 0850
08 8973 9049
Tennant Creek Schmidt Street
Tennant Creek NT 0860
08 8962 4259
Alice Springs Eurilpa House
Lower Ground Floor
25 Todd Street
Alice Springs NT 0870
08 8951 7549
Nhulunbuy. Corner Mathew Flinders Way and Chesterfield Court
Nhulunbuy NT 0880
08 8987 0357

Learn more about tuberculosis and leprosy unit.

Darwin Royal Darwin Hospital
John Hargrave Building (Building 4)
Rocklands Drive
Tiwi NT 0810
08 8922 8315 08 8922 8897
Alice Springs Eurilpa House
Lower Ground Floor 
25 Todd Street
Alice Springs NT 0870
08 8922 8315 08 8922 8897

Learn more about the immunisation program.

COVID-19 vaccine

Under section 254 of the Medicines, Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Act 2012, the Chief Health Officer has approved the following scheduled substance treatment protocols (SSTP) PDF (320.5 KB) which allow the administration of COVID-19 vaccines by nurses, midwives and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioners (ATSIHP) without a prescription or doctors order.

COVID-19 vaccines currently approved for use in the Northern Territory

Title Publication DateAuthor
Comirnaty® (Pfizer) 6 months to 4 years for COVID-19 vaccination PDF (259.1 KB) 22/12/2023 Center for Disease Control, Northern Territory Government, Department of Health
Comirnaty Original/Omicron BA45 for COVID-19 vaccination of over 12 years old PDF (244.5 KB) 22/12/2023 Center for Disease Control, Northern Territory Government, Department of Health
Comirnaty® Tozinameran [mRNA] COVID-19 vaccine - Pfizer for children aged 5 to 11 years PDF (229.7 KB) 22/12/2023 Center for Disease Control, Northern Territory Government, Department of Health
Comirnaty® Tozinameran [mRNA] COVID-19 vaccine - Pfizer for persons 12 years and over PDF (228.5 KB) 22/12/2023 Center for Disease Control, Northern Territory Government, Department of Health
Moderna Bivalent Original/Omicron BA.4/5 for COVID-19 vaccination of 12 years and over PDF (253.3 KB) 22/12/2023 Center for Disease Control, Northern Territory Government, Department of Health
Nuvaxovid (Novavax)® COVID-19 vaccine SARS-CoV-2-rS (NVX-CoV2373) suspension for injection PDF (264.9 KB) 22/12/2023 Center for Disease Control, Northern Territory Government, Department of Health
Comirnaty® (Pfizer) Omicron XBB.1.5 for COVID-19 vaccination of children aged 5 to 11 years PDF (218.1 KB) 22/12/2023 Center for Disease Control, Northern Territory Government, Department of Health
Comirnaty® (Pfizer) Omicron XBB.1.5 for COVID-19 vaccination of 12 years and over PDF (237.5 KB) 22/12/2023 Center for Disease Control, Northern Territory Government, Department of Health
Spikevax® (Moderna) Omicron XBB.1.5 for COVID-19 vaccination of 12 years and over PDF (214.5 KB) 22/12/2023 Center for Disease Control, Northern Territory Government, Department of Health

Core requirements included in the SSTP

Health practitioners must give the required dose only to the age range and patient groups authorised in the relevant SSTP. This can vary for each vaccine.

Nurses, midwives and ATSIHP must hold a current CPR certificate and administer the vaccine in the presence of another person who holds a first aid or basic life support certificate. This can include people not working at the service.

Practitioners must hold a current certificate of completion of a relevant HESA accredited vaccination course or another course approved by the Chief Health Officer.

The Commonwealth Government no-longer provides COVID-19 specific education modules. Practitioners should compete relevant Continued Professional Development education to ensure ongoing competency in using multi-dose vials as these are used often for COVID-19 vaccines in Australia.

For more information on the requirements of the SSTP and providing COVID-19 vaccines in the Northern Territory, contact Centre for Disease Control in 08 8922 8315 or immunisationprogram.ths@nt.gov.au.